
Stourbridge News Column

There has been a horrific loss of innocent lives in both Israel and Gaza over the last two weeks. This is a terrible situation but Israel is totally justified in its response to those shocking attacks on its people.

Lye Regeneration Update

Plans to regenerate Lye are making progress, with initial works to start next year, I have been told during a catch up with officials in charge of the project.

Lion Health Meeting

I have visited Lion Health GP practice to discuss patient care, phone lines and to meet with staff.

I spoke to practice manager Wayne Gardner, partner doctor Glenys Wilson and Jag Tomlinson from the Independent Care Board.

Statement on Israel and Gaza

There has been a horrific loss of innocent lives in both Israel and Gaza over the last two weeks. We should also not forget the UK nationals killed in the Hamas attacks. Nor those kidnapped. If Hamas had a single ounce of humanity, they would release all the hostages immediately.

Meeting local girl guide

I met up with a local girl guide who is raising funds to travel to a camp in Germany.

I was visited by Zoe Yardley at the constituency office on Friday so she could talk to me about the trip to Castle Rieneck in Bavaria and also Berlin.

Stourbridge News Column

I received further good news last week on plans to have a police base and response team here in Stourbridge. This has been a campaign of mine since I was elected in 2019 following the closure of the police station back in 2017 - much to the dismay of local people.

Business Watch

I have written to Stourbridge town centre businesses asking them if they would consider setting up a business watch group to help deter crime and anti-social behaviour.

Knife Crime Summit

I held my first knife summit meeting with local organisations and the police.

Several groups came to Stourbridge Football Club on Thursday with the aim to work together to come up with ways to tackle knife crime in the West Midlands.

Statement on HS2

The PM has made the right call. HS2 up to Manchester wasn’t going to deliver what was needed for the midlands or the north.